星期三, 8月 15, 2007

25-standard deviation event

金融時報 2007年8月15日Analysis 分析電腦程式買賣的基金接連爆煲出事。

『In a rare unplanned investor call, the bank revealed that a flagship global equity fund had lost over 30 per cent of its value in a week because of problems with its trading strategies created by computer models. In particular, the computers had failed to foresee recent market movements to such a degree that they labelled them a “25-standard deviation event” – something that only happens once every 100,000 years or more.』

若是 normal distribution,+/-3個 standard deviation 便已經包含了 99.7% 的 population。

可是,『A glance at recent financial history shows that this type of “rare” event is not so unusual at all. 』





電腦操盤,100% 遵守紀律。市場價格一旦觸及止蝕(停損)位,便會毫不遲疑馬上停損。 Resonance peak 更 sharp 更窄。

很多物理學家 rocket scientists 都走去當 quantitative finance 專家,發展衍生工具,與其埋頭研發自己的程式買賣模型而最終都逃不了 resonance 的宿命,倒不如研究全球整體金融市場,就好像天文台預測天氣,預測颱風生成。颱風是流體力學,氣象學中的 singular point。即是 resonance。若在全球整體金融市場的「氣象學」中預測到 singular point,便集中火力,重鎚沽空,咁就 okay 了。
